Since its founding, inVentiv Healthcare has created an environment for pharmaceutical sales professionals to thrive and achieve selling success.  

We create an environment that respects what field professionals do. They are provided with ongoing training, smart management, and the tools and support they need to keep them focused on driving results.

  Our corporate team, management and support staff all have a primary responsibility to continually develop and maintain the systems, process, and environment for pharmaceutical sales success. We invest in targeted sales training, personnel development, technology and process design. This enables our pharmaceutical sales professionals to reach their full potential and drive the results our clients expect while maintaining the quality of interaction and customer experience you’d expect if you built your own sales teams.

Having the right team gives you the best chance at success.  
Professional sales representatives understand the value that comes from having sales management and sales operations support staff with sales backgrounds themselves. We speak the language of pharmaceutical sales and back it up every day in our sales methods and marketing actions. When surveyed regarding why personnel took positions when equivalent other options were available to them, inVentiv Healthcare reps responded they came because, “I like the inVentiv Healthcare sales and corporate environment.”  

Other key factors that influence our reps coming aboard are investments in training and logistics, and technology support at levels they’ve never experienced. Sales professionals that establish themselves at inVentiv Healthcare see marked improvements in their skills and focus, and become better Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives.